Sales Tax Rate April 13, 2015April 20, 2017Patrick Delahanty If you look closely at the prop receipt for Blast from the Past that Doc pulls out of the DeLorean in 1985, you [...]
Gas Prices April 2, 2015April 20, 2017Patrick Delahanty The Texaco fueling station in Courthouse Square in has a sign publishing gas prices as follows: Fusion Gold $6.95 9/10 Super Fusion Plus+ [...]
$6 Newspapers March 17, 2015April 20, 2017Patrick Delahanty The October 22, 2015 edition of USA Today costs $6 in Hill Valley. The price is in the upper-right corner written as “6 [...]
Translucent Receipts March 12, 2015April 20, 2017Patrick Delahanty Back in the alternate 1985, Marty and Doc have found the timeline has changed. One of the clues that tells them how it [...]
Pepsi Logo March 4, 2015April 20, 2017Patrick Delahanty Pepsi logos are seen on Pepsi bottles, in the Cafe 80’s, and on walls in Hill Valley of 2015. However, it’s not the [...]
Thumb Payments February 27, 2015April 20, 2017Patrick Delahanty “Save the clock tower! Hey, kid. Thumb a hundred bucks, will ya, and help save the clock tower.” Terry is carrying a portable [...]
Cafe 80’s Prices February 25, 2015April 20, 2017Patrick Delahanty A common misconception in Back to the Future Part II is that a Pepsi costs $50 in Hill Valley in 2015. This is [...]
Automated Waiters February 24, 2015April 20, 2017Patrick Delahanty In the Cafe 80’s, Marty is greeted by a screen hanging from the ceiling with a Max Headroom styled Ronald Reagan telling him [...]
Pepsi Perfect February 4, 2015April 20, 2017Patrick Delahanty “All I want is a Pepsi!” Marty clearly learned from his experience in 1955 not to try to order anything other than the [...]
USA Today January 27, 2015April 20, 2017Patrick Delahanty Doc explains the plan to Marty while Marty’s trying to get a peek of 2015 in the distance. “I don’t get it. I [...]